Thursday, February 27, 2020

Describing some of the rhetorical choices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Describing some of the rhetorical choices - Essay Example In the McDonald’s ad, there are several rhetorical choices that are evident. One is the use of hyperbole as a means to exaggerate the obsession for McDonald’s fare among the NFL players and coaches, in the middle of games. The first person mentions the menu, and the obsession becomes a kind of backdrop rap melody that the other characters then rapped to. The words that were put into their mouths consisted of variations of the burger fare, and an emphasis on bacon. There is also an element of parody as a rhetorical choice for the ad, where the intense obsession with what the players and coaches are saying on court, via lip reading, is flipped on its head so that their utterances are not about the game but about McDonald’s burgers (Super Bowl 2014 Commercials; Broderick). The rhetorical situation in the Toyota Highlander ad, on the other hand, is essentially the same as for the McDonald’s as well as for the all of the commercials in the Super Bowl. That rhetorical situation consists of the ads trying to convey the product message to TV viewers and general Internet followers of the Super Bowl ads. In the Toyota ad it is clear that the overall goal seems to be to entertain and to associate the Camry with images of fun and the iconic Muppets characters. Juxtaposition is a key rhetorical choice for this ad. The juxtaposition consists of the side by side placement of a relatively conventional, middle-class African American man who lives in the suburbs and drives around in a Highlander on the one hand, and on the other hand the psychedelic gang of the musical Muppets, headed by the wild Animal. This is a very good rhetorical choice, given that the Toyota’s traditional image is one of being practical and reliable, if utilitarian and lacking in the fun aspect. On the other hand, the juxtaposition with spontaneity, adventure and fun as embodied by the Muppets and by the Animal

Monday, February 10, 2020

Linguistics - structure and meaning in literary discourse Essay - 1

Linguistics - structure and meaning in literary discourse - Essay Example Throughout the novel, the novelist has been careful in adroitly interlinking the different subplots. The novel mainly deals with two parallel plots: the love relation between Charles Darnay and Lucy Manette and the historical events connected with French Revolution. However, there are several other underlying subplots distributed throughout the three Books of the novel. They include the story of the great sacrifice by the good-for-nothing lawyer Sydney Carton, the comparison between the two cities of London and Paris, the atrocities of the aristocrats etc along with the stories within story such as the imprisonment of Dr. Manette, the story of Madame Defarge. The overall setting of the novel is based on these interconnected subplots which contribute to the each other as well as to the meaning of the novel in general. The novelist has been effective in presenting the major themes of the novel through the literary device of setting. It means that the setting of the novel which incorpor ates the interrelated subplots functions as a literary device to the novelist in his ultimate conveyance of the major themes. Therefore, the subplots in A Tale of Two Cities work in relation to each other to reveal the major themes of the novel. In other words, different subplots and the structure of the novel has significant role in the transference of the themes and meaning. As George Newlin establishes, â€Å"The success  of  A  Tale  of  Two  Cities †¦ can be attributed to Dickens’s artful setting  of  a  touching human story against the background  of  the world-shaking events  of  the French Revolution, and to its powerful, universal themes.† (Newlin, 1) There is pertinent relation between the setting and the meaning in A Tale of Two Cities and the novelist proficiently selects the subplots which contribute eventually to his literary goal. Therefore, subplots in the novel cannot be comprehended in isolation. Rather, they are deeply contrived so as to