Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Jonathan Rauchs In Defense Of Prejudice - 1314 Words

Jonathan Rauch’s essay, â€Å"In Defense of Prejudice†, explores the idea of pluralism. Rauch focuses on intellectual pluralism in which he states, â€Å"permits the expression of various forms of bigotry and always will†. Pluralism may bring different topics such as racism, sexism, and homophobia. Rauch Points out if misguided ideas and ugly expressions be corrected or criticized it would help public safety. By teaching the ignorant mass opinions that there is different types of people in the world or not categorizing. He believed if prejudice were to be eliminated everyone would be forced to have the same beliefs or the same as the person in authority. To be prejudist means to have preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual†¦show more content†¦Clarify his reasons to make the best of prejudice not to eliminate prejudice as a whole because that would mean eliminating our amendment of freedom of speech. Not only would our freedom of speech be taken away but would be harming our society as a whole. By making them even weaker to new ideas or development. He appeals to ethos in a way that he is an actual victim on prejudice. He knows personally the feeling of being hurt by words and what they cause him to fear. Rauch is also part of the minority by being openly gay and a Jew during a time. In a time where same sex marriage is still not legal. Rauch also uses pathos through out his essay. He gives readers an appeal to his emotions. Makes the readers feel that they have to feel for those who are being prosecuted. Rauch uses both being a Jew and a supporter of gay marriage in order to argue in favor for intellectu al pluralism. Rauch argues where there is genuine freedom of expression there will be a racist expression. He is not concerned with eradicating but to making the best of prejudice. If the words were to be ignored the people would not be hurt. To know the difference and accept the world if we want freedom. He argues that the best way to fight against prejudice is to stop pointing fingers. By pointing fingers we become prejudice ourselves. Do not call someone prejudice because it will only makeShow MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis Of Jonathan Rauchs In Defense Of Prejudice872 Words   |  4 PagesIn his essay â€Å" In Defense of Prejudice†, Jonathan Rauch explores a much talked about topic in the United States today, prejudice. As his title implies, he is in defense of prejudice, he makes it clear that he is not a supporter of hate or racism, rather a supporter of â€Å"intellectual pluralism† â€Å"which permits the expression of various forms of bigotry and always will. † (pg 1). Rauch defends the right to express all forms of bigotry. By utilizing specific examples where prejudice is at center stageRead MoreThe National Anthem Essay1703 Words   |  7 Pagesthe 1968 Olympics. During the 1968 Olympics, John Carlos and Tommie Smith raised a gloved fist to protect against injustice in this country that is still ongoing today. In Jonathan Rauch’s essay, â€Å"In Defense of Prejudice†, he theorizes that society should not seek to destroy racism and other form of prejudice (Rauch, 350). Rauch’s thesis is similar to Kaepernick’s reason for his kneeling. Kaepernick is trying to bring awareness to his social issue involving police brutality. Kaepernick is aware thatRead MoreThe Imprint of Words Essay1294 Words   |  6 Pagesracial remarks commence my niggas. A name is a mark of classification, the center for self identity. Names that are insulting are able to elevate or annihilate a persons’ perception of him or her and the society surrounding them. â€Å"In the Defense of Prejudices† Jonathan Rauch states â€Å"The experience of being called a ‘nigger’, ‘spic’, ‘Jap’, or ‘kike’ is like receiving a slap in the face† (Rauch 684). People go unexcused in affectingly labeling themselves and others with words that were used to belittled

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